Tuesday, January 20, 2015


The undertow was strong,
The pull was hard,
The strain too much,
But the energy too less,
I was drained.

The target was too far,
The aim too high,
There was just one shot,
The chance to miss, major,
The stakes too high,
Yes I was scared.

The aftermath was scary,
The thought at least,
The future was bleary,
I thought my eyes would be teary,
Later, I guessed I would be at the bottom.

Choices don’t matter, decisions do,
The route doesn’t matter,
But the end of the path does,
Winning does, coming first,
Failure doesn’t,
But does the pain matter?

I took it all, made it to the wall,
A bit too tall for comfort,
Yet small, in lieu with the dreams,
Stitched by hand, covered in color,
Vivid they rose, an aura so energizing.

It took my all,
The energy, the strength,
My energy, my strength,
It took my self, every bit of it,
I fell to my knees,
My arms raised to the skies,
My chance was gone.

The journey was tiring,
The rises, the leveling and then the fall,
The piercing of the head,
Till the tail went in,
My name written, by the arrow so deep,
The taste of success, so sweet.

I rose to my feet,
Victory my savior,
Not a chance this was,
It was a decision, so true,
I limped on, snobby, smirking,
Yet panting, hiding the pain within,
Am I weak I asked myself,
And the answer spoke itself out to me.

Injury is temporary, but success is permanent.

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