The rainbow
stood out bright in the dark shadow of the clouds,
The colors so
perfect and evident, just like fresh flowers,
Sparkling so far
away, the pearls winking back, trickling down the sea of blue,
A flash so
sudden, so terrifying, the hues disintegrating,
Beauty isn’t in
perception, it’s in perfection.
There is the
happy memory of hands coming together, and of smiles,
A haven of
peace, a peak of satisfaction, a tsunami of reminiscent times,
A mirage of
perfection created only to be wrecked in the avalanche,
The dark debris
drowning the good times in the void of pain,
Happiness isn’t
just an expression, it’s also an impression.
illuminating the figure in the center, supine on the floor,
I snarl, I roar,
yet I whimper and I whine, I bark and I bite, I am dangerous,
The paws of duty
cutting through the center of well being,
The canines of
responsibility biting through the bone of life, of happiness,
A mirror is all
I need to realize the abstract truth, to see the abyss holing me,
I’m turning into
a monster and the feeling is getting stronger.