Thursday, February 6, 2014

Trust Together

Last week I and Aayesha, who blogs at The Inspirational Romance Writer ;), invited each other to do guest posts on each other’s blogs. Here is what she came up with (Click Here). I must say this, Aayesha your shayari was really good.

So, I had her give me a theme, as I’m bad at getting topics, and she wanted me to do something about love which gives a message to society. I tried doing something new, and I wrote something on those lines in the form of a poem. It was a whole story in the form of a poem, and here is an excerpt of it.

Together they stood,
A smiling young couple,
A big day for them it was,
And it called for a celebration.

A year it was,
Since their hands were one,
God’s wish it was as though,
And quite happily it was done.

The moment was fresh,
When he had dropped down,
With eyes expectant,
In the mud very brown.

She was shocked,
And happy as well,
A nod was just what,
Had sealed them together with gel.

To read the whole poem, you can Click Here. Hope you enjoy reading it.

PS: Aayesha, it was lovely to have you do a piece for my space, and it was equally wonderful to do one piece for your space. Yaye us ;) \m/