Thursday, September 5, 2013

Happy Teacher's Day

You are the light,
In the dark of the night,
You have provided us with the might,
To always get up and fight,
You are the light.

You have led us forever,
Hope on us you have lost never,
Helped us out even with a fever,
With your gushing knowledge river,
You have led us forever.

Never will you diffuse into our past,
Your knowledge is what will make us last,
You have taught us slow and fast,
On our ship you are the high respected mast,                   
And today we hope you have a blast.

You have doused our mind's violent fires,
Led us out of those queer quagmires,
Wiped out our heart's hidden liars,
Tried very hard to make us respectable sires,
You have acted as our information’s multiplier.

I have been late,
To provide you my wishes, humble yet ornate,
For all the studies with which you opened our gate,
And changed our fate,
Without lapsing into behaviors irate.

A sense of gratitude,
For your everlasting positive attitude,
From my heart’s complete multitude,
And I promise that I will never let intrude,
On those respected teachings and your fortitude.

This is a bit too late, and I apologize to all my teachers for this error from my side. I am utterly thankful and I feel blessed in the presence of all the teachers who have guided me, led me on, provided me with their knowledge, cared for me, loved me, appreciated me, scolded me, and done loads of other things from me.

A large thank you to you all and a load of wishes and a Happy Teacher’s Day to all my teachers (please forgive me for not naming all of you all, as the list runs too long).


  1. Nice composition. Happy Teacher's day !

  2. One from your heart... good one K. :)

  3. nice rhyming composition.. liked it.. happy teacher's day :)

  4. Great One Karan..Simply Beautiful,Have you shown this to your teacher..

  5. Great tribute to all the teachers...loved the rhyme to it!!

  6. Your lines inspire and console me, a teacher. Thanks.

  7. A stunning tribute to your (our) teachers 😊
