Monday, March 18, 2013

He is there...

Even though I don’t believe in Him,

I feel He’s there-somewhere,

Waiting for me, protecting me,

Wishing well for me,

Doing all the good in my life,

And that makes me feel happy, actually elated.

I don’t blame him for the wrong,

‘Cause those were my deeds,

The times I did not listen to Him,

But He made me learn,

And I hope I do not make those mistakes again…


  1. Great going man! Keep up the good work :)

  2. ohhh wowow!! ur existence as a person does matter and your thoughts matter too... wld love to read more and more:)))

  3. Nice and Intense lines..and yes we learn from our Mistakes and someone is always there to make us realize that..

  4. Nice composition.Amazing play with words.

  5. Nice Karan, you have got the flair and the talent.

  6. this brought tears to my eyes... all the writing I have done, pales next to this one. God bless you
