Saturday, August 31, 2013


The routine never ceases to change, nor do the long hours. Having my evening permeated with classes has a different feel in itself, and after going through it for more than a year, I have to confess about the disorientated feeling I go through in the absence of classes. Well there are some problems of these long hours of disconnection from the world and logging completely into books and I did feel mildly exposed to one of them just today.

A happy moment,
Lost in those long hours,
The moment going absent,
This is what we do not wish for.

So today I discovered, after a quarter of a day had passed that I and 3 of my friends had been selected for the next round in a competition (Regional Finals) by British Council, Debating Matters. Now I did feel elated and excited and shocked as well (to some extent ‘cause maybe I didn’t have high hopes for it).

So, completely worked up, ecstatic and eager to share this new happiness with my friends and family, I reach home to discover that everything’s leaked already. The cat is out of the bag, and it’s been 6 hours (6 whole hours!) since that happened.

So with content and joy in one corner of my heart, with a strange forlorn feeling in another part of my heart, and a newly discovered nervousness as well, I sit down to write this post. And as I continue past this line, the happiness gets back to me and it destroys the rest of the stray feelings which hold parts of my heart and brain hostage.

Never goes a feeling undone,
Be it happiness or grief,
The true value is shadowed
Eventually, But its stay is never brief.

The value felt for eternity,
The heart continues basking,
In the warmth and glow,
We spread the radiance, and continue smiling.

PS: Feeling wonderful after this miracle, yet there is the nervousness  about facing the next round at a higher level. Would like to profusely thank my principal, Tanya Ma’am and Nabila Miss, for giving us a chance at this competition, and for helping us out and having belief in us, and Krishna Chopra, Vrushali Sukhi, and Saahil Dhar for being the most co-operative and friendly teammates.


  1. Don't be Nervous just give your best shot and rest depends on God..Wish you Luck and I am sure you will do well.. :-)

  2. You'll do great :) show them your Kfactor ;)

    1. Haha..will do my best to display the K-Factor..;) :)

  3. the hard work begins now Karan....and u guys will rock !!! Have faith in urself :)

  4. i second vidhi.. show your k-factor.. you guys gonna rock.. and write all about your victory, once again :)

    1. Thanks Meera...will work hard on it...and yaa, will listen to both you and Vidhi, and I will show them my K-Factor...;)
