Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Haste to Dread

He entered the limelight, and displayed his majestic plans in the open. They all supported him.

A month later, he lay siege on the high chair and as they cried in the wake of war, he laughed triumphantly.

They realized he couldn’t sustain the peace of their motherland. Their hasty decision had yielded dreadful results.
This is a 55-Fiction based on the methods used in politics to entice people for votes. People repent their decisions as time passes, and they realize that their decision to vote for a certain candidate was wrong. The repentance seeps in only after facing ruin or any other form of maltreatment.

So after writing this I saw an image on Facebook, and I couldn’t resist adding it here (with all the thullus going on in the social networking world…:P).

This post is written for Three Word Wednesday.


  1. Hahahaha...Karan Karan that is funny.. :)
    And Interestingly if young people like us give attention to such things they are bound to change..

  2. That does seem to be what always happens.

  3. "They realized he couldn’t sustain the peace of their motherland. Their hasty decision had yielded dreadful results."

    So often those hasty decisions have dreadful results. Great use of the three words.

    1. Thank you..glad you liked it..:)
      Keep visiting..!!

  4. yep..BABA ji ka thoolu..i know this one!!
